Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Judicial Review Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Judicial Review - Case Study Example Some of the most basic and fundamental tenets of the legal and political systems where such decisions emanate from the Prime Minister, require careful scrutiny. Any alleged breach of the rule of the law raises an important and justifiable legal issue after due consideration to the concern regarding judicially cognizable standards. (The rule of Law). The High Court oversees the decisions of public bodies and officials including courts by resorting to judicial review. Grounds of judicial review are ultra vires. If the contents of the decisions are outside the power of the pubic body that made it, then the court may declare it ultra vires. For example, if a magistrate court decides to hear a decision, which is indictable only, then this would be ultra vires. This means that the body reaching the decision in respect of a complaint, was biased, or the applicant was not given a fair opportunity to be heard. The test of Wednesbury unreasonableness - if a decision was so unreasonable that no reasonable public body could have reached the decision, and then it may be successfully challenged. This is a narrow test of reasonableness that severely limits the court's power to supervise the executive. The principle evolved during the course of the hearing in Associated Picture Houses Ltd V. Wednesbury Corporation (1948). If the decision interferes with Human Rights then the courts generally require stronger proof that the decision was reasonable. There has been debate as to whether a doctrine of proportionality would be a better test compared to reasonableness. Irrelevant consideration - If the courts consider that the public body took into account irrelevant consideration then that decision may be subject to judicial review. In R v. Somerset County Council expart Fewings (1995), the council passed a resolution prohibiting stag hunting on its land. This ban was successfully challenged because this ban considered the desirability and morality of hunting while deciding, which was deemed to be outside the ambit of its statutory powers. Unlike the appeal procedure, judicial review does not look into the merits of the case. In addition to any of the ordinary civil law remedies (damages, an injunction or a declaration) the high court may order a public law remedy only available through judicial review proceedings called prerogative orders; certiorari, mandamus and prohibition. Prerogative remedies are discretionary. Judicial review forms the basis of a modern democracy. As a department of state, the judiciary is charged with the constitutional duty to control abuse of power by the state, its officials and emanations. In a democracy the rule of law, itself legitimizes judicial review. An examination of judicial review requires consideration in particular of four matters, namely the principle of the separation of powers, the rule of law, the principle of constitutionality or legality and the reach of judicial review. The brief facts of this case are that in 1974 the respondent, Somerset County Council, appropriated land, which had been used by the Quantock Staghounds, since the 1920s. In 1993 a report had been completed which urged the council to come to a decision based on ethics, animal welfare and social considerations and it was decided to ban stag hunting on the land. In this connection, Laws J found that the resolution had been passed

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Major Depressive Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder Major Depressive Disorder Preface Today, there are so many people suffering from so many diseases. Likewise, so many people started to feel depressed without a reason. Maybe there should be a reason but most people fail to find it and live their life as it goes by. Now, depressive disorder has become one of major diseases. Boys, girls, teenagers, 20s, 30s, 40s, most people regardless of their age are suffering from major depressive disorder. Because of this, suicidal rate has been increased far more than ever. Maybe, because of technological revolution, many people started to feel as if they are alone, for people talk through internet, telephone, and so on, they do not feel as if somebody is beside them. Because of this, I wanted to research on ‘major depressive disorder to figure out what are causing this and what are some ways to prevent this. Symptoms and Signs Major depression is a serious illness that affects a persons family and personal relationships, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health. Its impact on functioning and well-being has been equated to that of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes. A person suffering a major depressive episode usually exhibits a very low mood, which pervades all aspects of life, and an inability to experience pleasure in activities that formerly were enjoyed. Depressed people may be preoccupied with, or ruminate over, thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt or regret, helplessness, hopelessness, and self-hatred. In severe cases, depressed people may have symptoms of psychosis. These symptoms include delusions or, less commonly, hallucinations, usually of an unpleasant nature. Other symptoms of depression include poor concentration and memory (especially in those with melancholic or psychotic features), withdrawal from social situations and activities, reduced sex drive, and thoughts of death or suicide. Insomnia is common among the depressed. In the typical pattern, a person wakes very early and is unable to get back to sleep. Hypersomnia, or oversleeping, is less common. Appetite often decreases, with resulting weight loss, although increased appetite and weight gain occasionally occur. The person may report multiple physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or digestive problems; physical complaints are the most common presenting problem in developing countries, according to the World Health Organizations criteria for depression. Family and friends may notice that the persons behavior is either agitated or lethargic. Depressed children often display an irritable rather than a depressed mood, and show varying symptoms depending on age and situation. Most exhibit a loss of interest in school and a decline in academic performance. They may be described as clingy, demanding, dependent, or insecure. Diagnosis may be delayed or missed when symptoms are interpreted as normal moodiness. Depression may also coincide with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), complicating the diagnosis and treatment of both. Older depressed persons may have cognitive symptoms of recent onset, such as forgetfulness, and a more noticeable slowing of movements. Depression often coexists with physical disorders common among the elderly, such as stroke, other cardiovascular diseases, Parkinsons disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Causes The biopsychosocial model proposes that biological, psychological, and social factors all play a role to varying degrees in causing depression. The diathesis-stress model posits that depression results when a preexisting vulnerability, or diathesis, is activated by stressful life events. The preexisting vulnerability can be either genetic, implying an interaction between nature and nurture, or schematic, resulting from views of the world learned in childhood. These interactive models have gained empirical support. For example, researchers in New Zealand took a prospective approach to studying depression, by documenting over time how depression emerged among an initially normal cohort of people. The researchers concluded that variation among the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene affects the chances that people who have dealt with very stressful life events will go on to experience depression. Specifically, depression may follow such events, but seems more likely to appear in people w ith one or two short alleles of the 5-HTT gene. A Swedish study estimated the heritability of depression—the degree to which individual differences in occurrence are associated with genetic differences—to be approximately 40% for women and 30% for men, and evolutionary psychologists have proposed that the genetic basis for depression lies deep in the history of naturally selected adaptations. A substance-induced mood disorder resembling major depression has been causally linked to long-term drug use or abuse, or to withdrawal from certain sedative and hypnotic drugs. Biological Monoamine hypothesis Most antidepressant medications increase the levels of one or more of the monoamines—the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine—in the synaptic cleft between neurons in the brain. Some medications affect the monoamine receptors directly. Serotonin is hypothesized to help regulate other neurotransmitter systems; decreased serotonin activity may allow these systems to act in unusual and erratic ways. According to this permissive hypothesis, depression arises when low serotonin levels promote low levels of norepinephrine, another monoamine neurotransmitter. Some antidepressants enhance the levels of norepinephrine directly, whereas others raise the levels of dopamine, a third monoamine neurotransmitter. These observations gave rise to the monoamine hypothesis of depression. In its contemporary formulation, the monoamine hypothesis postulates that a deficiency of certain neurotransmitters is responsible for the corresponding features of depression: Norepinephrine may be related to alertness and energy as well as anxiety, attention, and interest in life; lack of serotonin to anxiety, obsessions, and compulsions; and dopamine to attention, motivation, pleasure, and reward, as well as interest in life. The proponents of thi s theory recommend the choice of an antidepressant with mechanism of action that impacts the most prominent symptoms. Anxious and irritable patients should be treated with SSRIs or norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and those experiencing a loss of energy and enjoyment of life with norepinephrine- and dopamine-enhancing drugs. Schematic of a synapse between an axon of one neuron and a dendrite of another. Synapses are specialized gaps between neurons. Electrical impulses arriving at the axon terminal trigger release of packets of chemical messengers (neurotransmitters), which diffuse across the synaptic cleft to receptors on the adjacent dendrite temporarily affecting the likelihood that an electrical impulse will be triggered in the latter neuron. Once released the neurotransmitter is rapidly metabolised or pumped back into a neuron. Antidepressants influence the overall balance of these processes.In the past two decades, research has revealed multiple limitations of the monoamine hypothesis, and its explanatory inadequacy has been criticized within the psychiatric community. Intensive investigation has failed to find convincing evidence of a primary dysfunction of a specific monoamine system in patients with major depressive disorders. The medications tianeptine and opipramol have long been known to have antidepressant properties despite the fact that the former is a serotonin reuptake enhancer and the latter has no effect on the monoamine system. Experiments with pharmacological agents that cause depletion of monoamines have shown that this depletion does not cause depression in healthy people nor does it worsen symptoms in depressed patients—although an intact monoamine system is necessary for antidepressants to achieve therapeutic effectiveness. According to an essay published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS), the monoamine hypothesis, already limited, has been further oversimplified when presented to the general public as a mass marketing tool. Other theories MRI scans of patients with depression have reported a number of differences in brain structure compared to those without the illness. Although there is some inconsistency in the results, meta-analyses have shown there is evidence for smaller hippocampal volumes and increased numbers of hyperintensive lesions. Hyperintensities have been associated with patients with a late age of onset, and have led to the development of the theory of vascular depression. There may be a link between depression and neurogenesis of the hippocampus, a center for both mood and memory. Loss of hippocampal neurons is found in some depressed individuals and correlates with impaired memory and dysthymic mood. Drugs may increase serotonin levels in the brain, stimulating neurogenesis and thus increasing the total mass of the hippocampus. This increase may help to restore mood and memory. Similar relationships have been observed between depression and an area of the anterior cingulate cortex implicated in the modulation of emotional behavior. One of the neurotrophins responsible for neurogenesis is the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). The level of BDNF in the blood plasma of depressed subjects is drastically reduced (more than threefold) as compared to the norm. Antidepressant treatment increases the blood level of BDNF. Although decreased plasma BDNF levels have been found in many other disorders, there is some evidence that BDNF is involved in the ca use of depression and the mechanism of action of antidepressants. Major depression may also be caused in part by an overactive hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) that is similar to the neuro-endocrine response to stress. Investigations reveal increased levels of the hormone cortisol and enlarged pituitary and adrenal glands, suggesting disturbances of the endocrine system may play a role in some psychiatric disorders, including major depression. Oversecretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus is thought to drive this, and is implicated in the cognitive and arousal symptoms. Depression may be related to the same brain mechanisms that control the cycles of sleep and wakefulness.Depression may be related to abnormalities in the circadian rhythm, or biological clock. For example, the REM stage of sleep, the one in which dreaming occurs, may be quick to arrive and intense in depressed people. REM sleep depends on decreased serotonin levels in the brain stem, and is impaired by compounds, such as antidepressants, that increase serotoninergic tone in brain stem structures. Overall, the serotonergic system is least active during sleep and most active during wakefulness. Prolonged wakefulness due to sleep deprivation activates serotonergic neurons, leading to processes similar to the therapeutic effect of antidepressants, such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Depressed individuals can exhibit a significant lift in mood after a night of sleep deprivation. SSRIs may directly depend on the increase of central serotonergic neurotransmission fo r their therapeutic effect, the same system that impacts cycles of sleep and wakefulness. Research on the effects of light therapy on treating seasonal affective disorder suggests that light deprivation is related to decreased activity in the serotonergic system and to abnormalities in the sleep cycle, particularly insomnia. Exposure to light also targets the serotonergic system, providing more support for the important role this system may play in depression. Sleep deprivation and light therapy both target the same brain neurotransmitter system and brain areas as antidepressant drugs, and are now used clinically to treat depression. Light therapy, sleep deprivation and sleep time displacement (sleep phase advance therapy) are being used in combination quickly to interrupt a deep depression in hospitalized patients. The hormone estrogen has been implicated in depressive disorders due to the increase in risk of depressive episodes after puberty, the antenatal period, and reduced rates after menopause. Conversely, the premenstrual and postpartum periods of low estrogen levels are also associated with increased risk. The use of estrogen has been under-researched, and although some small trials show promise in its use to prevent or treat depression, the evidence for its effectiveness is not strong. Estrogen replacement therapy has been shown to be beneficial in improving mood in perimenopause, but it is unclear if it is merely the menopausal symptoms that are being reversed. Other research has explored potential roles of molecules necessary for overall cellular functioning: cytokines and essential nutrients. The symptoms of major depressive disorder are nearly identical to those of sickness behavior, the response of the body when the immune system is fighting an infection. This raises the possility that depression can result from a maladaptive manifestation of sickness behavior as a result of abnormalities in circulating cytokines. Deficiencies in certain essential dietary nutrients, particularly vitamin B12 and folic acid, have been associated with depression; other agents such as the elements copper and magnesium, and vitamin A have also been implicated. Prevention A 2008 meta-analysis found that behavioral interventions, such as interpersonal therapy, are effective at preventing new onset depression. Because such interventions appear to be most effective when delivered to individuals or small groups, it has been suggested that they may be able to reach their large target audience most efficiently through the Internet. However, an earlier meta-analysis found preventive programs with a competence-enhancing component to be superior to behaviorally oriented programs overall, and found behavioral programs to be particularly unhelpful for older people, for whom social support programs were uniquely beneficial. Additionally, the programs that best prevented depression comprised more than eight sessions, each lasting between 60 and 90 minutes; were provided by a combination of lay and professional workers; had a high-quality research design; reported attrition rates; and had a well-defined intervention. The Coping with Depression course (CWD) is claim ed to be the most successful of psychoeducational interventions for the treatment and prevention of depression (both for its adaptability to various populations and its results), with a risk reduction of 38% in major depression and an efficacy as a treatment comparing favorably to other psychotherapies. References http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depressive_disorder#Prevention

Friday, October 25, 2019

physics lab :: essays research papers

Archimedes’s Principle 1. Weight = mass x 9.80 g/cm^3 W= 45g x 9.80 N W= 44,100 dynes 2. Buoyant force (calculated) = weight in air – weight in water BF = 44,100 dynes – 38710 dynes BF = 5390 dynes 3. Volume of Water = radius^2 x length V= (.63cm) (4.65cm) V= 5.80 cm 4. Buoyant force (measured) = mass in air/ density BF= (44,100 g) / (7.76 g/cm^3) BF= 5684 cm^3 5. % difference = BF calculated – BF measured/ BF measured % difference = 5390 – 5684 / 5684 % difference = 5.4 % 6. Density = Mass / Volume Density = 45 g / 5.80 cm^3 Density = 7.76 g/cm^3 7. Volume of wood = length x width x height V = (7.62cm) (7.63cm) (3.86 cm) V = 224. 42 cm^3 Questions 2.) Because an overweight person displaces more fluid when stepping into a pool. By displacing more fluid, the person creates a greater buoyant force making it easier for him to swim. 5.c) By placing a battery into the water with a floating rod into its deep cylindrical cavity it is quite easy to determine the condition of the battery. The diluted battery will have a much higher density than that of a highly charged battery. From the observation of how the battery floats you can tell its condition. 8.) We were able to find the volume of displace water in Part II quite easily. First we placed a large tupperware container on the table and in it a smaller container filled to the top with water. When the block of wood was placed in the container, water fell out of the smaller container into the larger container. By placing the water which fell out of the smaller container into a cylinder, you are able to measure the volume of displaced water. 9.) No I did not use Archimedes’s principal to find the densities. I used the density formula of dividing the mass by the volume. We find the densities and compare them to the densities of water to help understand the mechanics of buoyant force. Discussion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In part two of the lab dealing with Archimedes’s principle, we were comparing the buoyant force of a block of wood to its weight in dynes. The first step of the operation dealt with measuring the quantity of displaced water. We did this using two containers, one small and one large, and filled the small container to the brim with water. By placing the block of wood in the small container and using a graduated cylinder, we were able to find the amount of water displaced by the block.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Project Background †Sales and Inventory System Essay

Nowadays, people are depending in fast-phased technologies. It makes their jobs easier and give them time to other things. Having automated systems evolve improvements in speed of time that they spend in their everyday jobs. In the industry of having a business, some of them were using these systems especially in their sales and inventories. Others still cannot follow the prevailing trend of having these systems. It is hard for them to facilitate their sales and inventory and it lead them to find time to record and manage it. In the Philippines, you can see many establishments that offer products and services to the public at anytime. Most of them are Hardware Supply Shops and Auto Supply Shops. In this study, the researchers chose an Auto Supply Shop as their client for the proposed system. For the researchers, they easily found out some of the problems that the proposed system is the best solution. Without any hesitation, the said client agreed with the plan and they are willing to participate in every task that the researchers will conduct. Uno Auto Supply is a company that was established in 2000 and owned by Mr. Larry Lazo. The company is located at 253 Mayon Street, Quezon City. The company offers different auto parts and accessories and other car services. It started with a capital of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P 500,000.00) and got it back within a year. The company also has its own warehouse wherein the product stocks are placed and it was located near the establishment itself. Like any other establishments, Uno Auto Supply also encounters many problems concerning their way of recording and tracking their sales and inventory. The records of their products were just written on a columnar notebook that there are some times may be misplaced or accidentally thrown away by the authorized personnel who is in-charge of their sales records. Another concern of the business is having some miscalculations regarding on the number or quantity of products that was sold or left in the establishment. To conclude the situation, the owner may lead to have inconsistencies regarding on the records of their products.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Asia Pacific Breweries

International Business Environment Project GROUP PROJECT: ASIA PACIFIC BREWERIES LIMITED (APBL) Prepared by G&T Consultancy (TZ02): Benjamin Jethro Neo Czaraim Suganob Carreon Michelle Oh Hui Ling Ratchadakorn Wongphothiphan Valerie Ng Shi Min Yap Yi Jun Prepared for: Ms. Ng Lay Khim, Linda Date of Submission: 18th July 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Company and IndustryOne of the main components of the beverage industry is Alcoholic drink; an example of a company that produces alcoholic beverages, namely Beer and Lager is Asia Pacific Breweries. Listed on the Singapore Exchange, Asia Pacific Breweries Limited (APBL) is one of the key players in the beer industry Asia Pacific Breweries, formerly known as Malayan Breweries Limited (MBL) in 1931 is a joint enterprise between Heineken International & Fraser and Neave. Its present name was given in 1990.As of today, Asia Pacific Breweries also operates a broad global marketing network, which extends across 60 countries and is supporte d by 30 breweries in 14 countries, namely Singapore, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Asia Pacific Breweries also offers their consumers a wide range of brands, be it global, regional or local, which suit the taste of various beer drinkers; boasting a wide range of choices, including Tiger Beer, Heineken, Anchor Beer, Baron’s Strong Brew, ABC Extra Stout and Bintang Beer.Their beers are brewed under the supervision of Heineken technical experts, who can call upon countless years of experience of European brewing excellence. Using only the finest ingredients, maintaining the most stringent brewing standards, and conducting over 200 quality checks during the process. This scrutiny over production of APB beers has reeled in many awards while their breweries are among the forerunners in their respective markets. 2. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES 2. 1 StrengthsTiger beer, the prize brand of APB, was the winner of the UK's Brewing Industry International Awards, the most esteemed award in the brewing industry 1998. The brand won a Gold medal in the International Style Lager category in the 2010 World Beer Cup; and silver medal in 2010 World Beer Championships. Anchor Beer was presented a gold medal in Selection Mondiale in 2010, a gold medal by Australian International Beer Awards in 1998, on top of several other honors. Since beer sales mostly relied on quality and tang, the higher quality standards of APB beer, makes APB standout in the competitive brewery business.APB's Tiger and Heineken brands scores on the point of identity and thus have a strong brand image. A part of one of the few establishments in Singapore, APBL set up the Asia Pacific Breweries Foundation (APB Foundation). This foundation provides financial aid to causes in Creativity Development, achievements in Human Excellence and Humanitarian Awards. APBL plays a significant role in gi ving back to the communities in which they operate. Being socially responsible, each of them renders support to the various educational, social and environmental causes in the respective countries.Through its endless efforts towards community and environment protection, APB continues to build a long-term relationship and good rapport with its customers. 2. 2 Weaknesses Although the US market is mounting at a slower rate compared to certain Eastern European and Asian markets, lack of presence in this market puts the group at a disadvantage as compared to some of the other great players in the industry. Since large beer consuming countries provide possibility for volume and revenue expansion, a modest presence in these markets results in a drawback for APB.The anticipated sale of APBL’s 50% owned Heineken-APB (China) Pte Ltd to China Resources Snow Breweries Limited would not be going through due to an unreachable agreement with CRSB. 3. OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS 3. 1 Opportuni ties With a rise in disposable income and alcoholic beverages more widely accepted by its people, Asia had its potential as a profitable market. APB operates primarily in Asia Pacific, which grew at a compound annual growth rate of 5%, reaching a figure of $112. 2 billion in 2009. To maximize on their Asian opportunity, APB has ventured into New Caledonia and Indonesia. In FY2010, hey came into possession of Heineken International's 65. 1% interest in PT Multi Bintang, Indonesia and also Heineken’s 87. 3% interest in Grande Brasserie de Nouvelle Caledonie, New Caledonia. The group also received beer brand Bintang and its trademarks rights. The acquisition allowed APB to launch their other popular beer brands easier as it gave them a firm consumer base in Indonesia and New Caledonia. APB is extending its brand portfolio by adding more flavors and varieties. They acquired Bintang and Number One, from Indonesia and New Caledonia in FY2010. The group also introduced some other ne w brands in the same year.Laos has its local beer Namkhong; New Zealand was introduced Monteith's Crushed Pear Cider while Tiger Crystal was presented to Vietnam and, as a limited edition, to Malaysia. APB attracts consumers of distinct tastes by presenting new brands every now and then. 3. 2 Threats Beers belongs to one of the highly taxed commodities globally; especially high in the countries APB operates in. Per liter of beer was imposed an excise duty of S$70 in Singapore, the single largest market of APB. New Zealand also increased excise duty. This caused DB Breweries, the New Zealand division of APB to increase its prices by 3%.Higher prices are a result of higher excise rates. APB, known for being a cheaper option of premium brands, may lose its current consumers if excise rates continue to rise and cause APB to set a higher price for its beer brands. Alcohol companies have received criticism on their advertisements and thus, countries set a legal ban on spirits advertisemen ts on TV and radio; on broadcast advertisements which associate alcohol with children or leisure, or promoting alcohol abuse; as well as on sponsorship of TV and radio programs by companies mainly concerned about alcohol production.These rules would hinder APB’s development, as its awareness in the consumers would decrease. Beer has been linked with negative health issues. Among people, there is a general negative perception about beer having an effect on the body fat and cholesterol. On the other hand, wine is considered a healthier option to other beverages. In matured markets like Western Europe and North America, beer is losing its field to wine, as there is an increase in consumers’ preferences for healthier alternatives. Wide variety of alcohol products available readily and extensive advertising is also bringing a negative impact to beer sales. . KEY CUSTOMER (GROUPS) & COMPETITORS Key customer groups Business to Customers APBL has large consumer base due to its wide variety. Tiger beer, among all the brands is the most famous international brand with largest number of consumers. Tiger Beer targeted the vibrant young Asian adults; Tiger also launched Tiger Crystal Lite, a softer-flavored Tiger Beer to cater consumers especially the Chinese who prefer lighter taste. Likewise, Heineken and Gold Crown targets young Asian adults in Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, China, Singapore, and Malaysia.Anchor, which offers consumers with international, affordable quality brew, is more successful in Hainan, Cambodia and Vietnam. Everyday drinkers in Singapore and Malaysia are appealed to Anchor while Cambodians and Singaporeans in their 30s-40s are appealed to stouts including Guinness, Extra Stout and Amber Stout. Baron’s Strong Brew had European as its loyal customer base appealing those who favor strong alcohol taste. Business to Business The company has a strong market share in various countries within the Asia Pacific Region.It also boas ts that in the UK, Tiger Beer can be found in more than 8,000 premium bars, clubs and distribution outlets in major cities. APBL’s products can be found in almost any shop that sells alcoholic beverages in the countries it has expanded to. Competitors Asia Pacific Breweries’ faces many competitors in the industry, namely in Breweries, beverage manufacturing, alcoholic beverage manufacturing, bars and nightclubs and restaurants, bars and food services. APBL’s local and overseas competitors include Carlsberg A/S, whose company perates in Europe and Asia. Asahi Breweries, Ltd, Suntory Group and Kirin Holding Company, Ltd, which primarily operates in Japan. SABMiller, which primarily operates in Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe. The Philippines-based company: San Miguel Corporation and China Resources Enterprise Limited based in Hong Kong. Kirin Brewery Company, Limited is engaged in producing alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, food products and pharmaceuticals thro ugh its subsidiaries. SABMiller is engaged in producing and distributing beer, malts and carbonated soft drinks.Likewise, Suntory Group primarily operates in the non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, food products and the food services business segments. Carlsberg, a renowned competitor, is also engaged not only in the production, marketing and sales of beer, but also produces soft drinks, energy drinks and bottled water. San Miguel Corporation, yet another renowned competitor, also engages in the production of beverages and is involved in other business segments such as food and packaging products, power generation and distribution, mining, fuel and oil, infrastructure, telecommunications, management and development of real estate properties. . EXISTING OPERATIONS OF COMPANY 5. 1 Entry modes used for expansion Joint Ventures Asia pacific breweries preferred mode of entry is Joint Ventures. For example, in Singapore, Asian Pacific Breweries started out in Singapore as a Joint Ventu re between Heineken International and Fraser and Neave in 1931 and was known as Malayan Breweries Limited. Asia pacific breweries also used joint venture in Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and New Zealand. In Cambodia, Asian Pacific Breweries formed a joint venture with Progress Import and Export, which formed Cambodia Brewery Ltd.In China, Asian Pacific Brewery formed a 50-50 joint venture with its shareholders, Fraser and Neave, Limited and Heineken in China known as Heineken-APB (China). APBL also engaged in a joint venture with Laos: Asian Pacific Breweries opened a brewery in Laos through a joint venture with the Government of Laos and SBK Consultant Ltd. Malaysia’s Guinness Anchor Bhd was a result of the merger of Guinness Malaysia Bhd and Malayan Sdn Bhd whose parent company is the current Asian Pacific Brewery. In Mongolia, Asian Pacific has formed a 55-45 joint venture with MCS Holdings LLC.APBL also entered Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and New Zealand via Joint Venture. In Thailand, Asian Pacific Breweries entered Thailand, to form a joint venture with Thai Life Insurance Company Limited and Thai Pure Drinks Company Limited. Similarly, In Vietnam, Vietnam Brewery Ltd. , (VBL) was formed by a joint venture between Saigon Trading Group (SATRA) & APBL. Finally, In Indonesia, APB participates in the Indonesian beer market via PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk (MBI). Acquisitions In 1955, APB entered Papua New Guinea by acquiring a stake in the brewery, which has been the sole beer brewer in Papua New Guinea since 1983.Further expanding their foothold in the South Pacific, APB entered the beer market of Solomon Islands with a majority  stake in Solomon Breweries Limited (SBL). Merger In New Caledonia, APB entered the beer market of New Caledonia via Grande Brasserie de Nouvelle Caledonia (GBNC). GBNC was formed in 1974 as a result of a merger of two breweries in the territory of New Caledonia. Partnership In Sri Lanka, APBL formed a partnership with Sri Lankan-based Anandappa family group and associates and MBL Offshore Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Phoenix Beverages Limited, which is a leading beverage group from Mauritius, to form APB Lanka.Please refer to Appendix A for APB’s shareholdings in the various countries 5. 2Types of operating issues or problems encountered Operational issues: When expanding into foreign countries, the scale of investment and exports increases. Large amount of capital is needed for venturing into new markets, resulting in the company having fewer budgets to channelize into other new markets or other development areas like R&D. Additionally; customers in different market have different standards, forcing APBL to consistently adapt the flavor to suit to local’s tongue.The unexpected fluctuating exchange rate incurred loss as seen when â€Å"APB suffered a paper loss of S$37. 9m & S$14. 5m in 2008 & 2009 respectively. â₠¬  APBL experiences currency risks due to contractual cash flow invoice in another currency. There is potential currency mismatch in investing countries like Vietnam and Mongolia. For example, APBL invests in USD but revenue generated comes in VND. High agricultural products price resulting from natural disasters also happens in overseas production subsidiary would increase cost of beer production.There might be political and economic regulatory uncertainties in investing market that delay the business operation or high entry barrier in some country as government restrict foreign investment scale or the sales of beer. Economic problems: Due to increase in prices of agricultural products such as wheat and barley, this increases the cost of beer production as well. APBL had to absorb this increase in cost of production, which will be bound to induce negative effects such as an increase in selling prices of beer to offset the higher cost of production.This might lead to potential loss of customers. Also, the value of the firm may be affected by unanticipated and volatile changes in the exchange rates on home currency. For example, the depreciation of Tugrik led to an exchange loss of $ 5. 9M. Political problems: When venturing into Mongolia, there were various benefits and risks encountered by APBL. Some political risks encountered were that the political system lacks transparency and corruption level is high.When venturing into Indochina, there was similarly a high level of corruption in the government coupled with a high tax regime of 45% which decreases the profit margin of APBL due to the higher expenses incurred from the high tax regime. Legal problems: Asia Pacific Breweries’ financial manager, Chia Teck Leng is currently serving 42 years in prison as a result of swindling S$117 million from a Scandinavian bank, two Japanese banks, and a German bank across a period of four years to make up for his gambling addiction.This is reflected as the lengthie st jail term given for the biggest case in commercial fraud in Singapore to date. Chia was charged with using underhand means to extort foreign banks of about S$117 million, criminal breach of trust of S$53 million, money laundering, and encouraging his girlfriend Li Jin to use a forged passport. He was imprisoned on 2 April 2004 after pleading guilty to 14 charges. 6. FUTURE EXPANSION PLAN 6. 1 Selected countries and reasons for expansion Reasons for venturing into Spain The Spanish culture is known for drinking a lot of beer.If APB ventures into Spain, it can be assured of a big market to introduce its products to. But despite the presence of many other beer companies in Spain, APB is a cheaper alternative compared to other beers, which will thus attract many consumers. Furthermore, it is known that good beer is a sign of a good restaurant. If APB can satisfy its customers’ standard of ‘good beer’, it can definitely boost the reputation of restaurants that cate r APB to its customers. In addition, foreign beers are very rampant in Spain. This shows that the Spanish would welcome foreign beers.Thus, this ensures that APB products will have higher chances of being accepted by the Spanish. Barcelona is also known to be a ‘Drinker’s Paradise’. However, there have been negative feedbacks about the type of beers offered in Barcelona bars, which does not complement the drinking environment in Barcelona. Hence, if APB products can satisfy the Spanish, this will up the profit that bars make from selling beers, which will in turn benefit APB in the long run. From 2009 to 2012, the economy of Spain met with a downturn, and almost a quarter of Spain’s workforce was unemployed.APB can now make use of the unemployed as labor for APB in Spain. Reasons for venturing into Australia The wine industry has expanded rapidly but Australians will always be known as beer drinkers, even rivaling the likes of Germans. Therefore, if APB ve ntures into Australia it will also have a large market of consumers to introduce its products to. Coupled with the fact that APB is a cheaper beer alternative, there is a high chance that many consumers will turn to APB to satisfy their demands. There are also various Beer Festivals held in Australia on a regular basis.Such Beer Festivals include ‘The 7th Annual Australian Beer Festival’ which attracted a large crowd of over 10000 people with 24 Australian brewers and over 100 Aussie beers present during the festival. Such Beer Festivals are definitely a good avenue to increase the reputation of APB at a large and quick scale if APB were to venture into Australia. In addition to Beer Festivals, there is also the presence of beer competition such as the ‘Australian International Beer Awards’. This is yet another platform for breweries to showcase their premium beer and brewing excellence.All these platforms reflects the Australian’s interest in beer d rinking and thus this is definitely a good reason for APB to venture into the Australian market and grab its own customer loyalties and build its reputation in Australia. More importantly, the economy of Australia is one of the most developed, modern market economies in the world. In 2011, the Australian economy was the fastest growing advanced economy in the world, with a GDP of approximately US$1. 6 trillion. This means that the Australians are earning more than the worldwide average.The IMF in April 2012 predicted that Australia would be the best performing economy in the world over the next two years. With such a boosting economy in Australia, APB should venture into Australia. Australia has also entered into many FTAs with ASEAN countries and Australia is also a member of various international organizations such as APEC and WTO. This puts Australia in a very good position to make foreign trading with other countries, granted support from these organizations 6. 2 Identification of sub-factors used for expansion Political-Legal factorsSub-factors used: Country risk ranking, political stability ranking, legal regulatory ranking, corruption index and political transparency index and ease of doing business ranking. Political and legal forces greatly impact the success of a company expanding into a foreign environment. It comprises of three main pillars. They are government regulation; laws that restrict the amount of trade freedom a foreign company has in a host country. The Government bureaucracy provides the foreign company with the legal license to conduct business activity in the country and political stability.Economic factors Sub-factors used: GDP growth rate, GDP Growth Projection, Purchasing power parity, Per Capita Income, Inflation rate, Exchange rate stability and presence of competitors. Economic factors refer to whether the country is favorable in terms of its economy. It is a significant factor considered when expanding, as economic factors will greatly affect the success of the company in that country. Social Cultural factors Sub-factors used: Education level, Language, Religion, Income, Age and Ethnic distribution and attitude towards time. The social culture in every country is different.The language, attitudes towards business, religious beliefs, traditions, and customs varies greatly from country to country. Managers must be aware of the differing cultures and specific taste of each country and tailor their products to suit their individual cultures. By doing so, it raises the level of competiveness and demand for that product in that market. Geographical factors Sub-factors used: Accessibility to raw materials, agricultural products available, natural hazards, climate, percentage unemployed in labor force, minimum gross annual wage rate, land area, lease period of land, cost of land & terrain.Geographic features in every country heavily influence the rate and pace at which a foreign company can expand in the host country. Surface features such as navigable rivers and flat plains aids travel and contact with others, hence accelerating the productivity of the company. However, countries with topographical features like treacherous mountain ranges, deserts and large bodies of water may discourage communication. This affects consumers’ product needs and wants, hence requiring managers to be extra particular about their preference. Technological factorsSub-factors used: Availability of Digital Network Infrastructure, Internet penetration rate, Presence of legal framework for intellectual property and presence of e-banking structure. Technological advancement varies extensively throughout the world. Most firms would expand into a new market only if there is demand for its product or if the technology and infrastructure there can support its existing production operations. A country with the latest technology and infrastructure would mean lower costs for the company that is intending to ente r into that market. 6. 2. Political/Legal Factors Factor| Spain| Australia| Country Risk Ranking| Risk ranking of 61. 83| Risk ranking of 82. 25 ? | Political Stability Risk Ranking| With a Political Instability Index of 5. 5, Spain is ranked 104th in the world. | With a Political Instability Index (PII) of 3. 6, Australia is ranked 154th in the world. ?| Legal Regulatory Risk Ranking| Overall assessment of Spain is B, 30. | Overall assessment of Australia is A, 18. ?| Corruption Index & Political Transparency Index | With a Corruption Perception Index (CPI) of 6. 1, Spain is ranked 30th in the world. With a Corruption Perception Index (CPI) of 8. 7, Australia is ranked 8th in the world. ?| Ease of Doing Business Ranking| Spain achieved a rank of 44. | Australia achieved a rank of 15. ?| In terms of Political-Legal factors, Australia is more favorable as it is better than Spain in terms of Country Risk Ranking, Political Stability Risk Ranking, Legal Regulatory Risk Ranking, Cor ruption Index & Political Transparency Index and Ease of Doing Business Ranking. 6. 2. 2 Economic Factors Factor| Spain| Australia| GDP Growth Rate| 0. 8% (2011 est. )| 1. 8% (2011 est. ) ? | -0. 1% (2010 est. )| 2. 7% (2010 est. )  ? | Purchasing Power Parity| $1,413,468 million (2011)| $914,482 million (2011) | Per Capita Income| $32360 (2010-11)| $65477 (2010-11) | Inflation Rate| 3. 1% (2011 est. ) ? | 3. 4% (2011 est. )| | 2% (2010 est. )  ? | 2. 8% (2010 est. )| Exchange Rate Stability| Euros (EUR) per US dollar – 0. 7107 (2011 est. ) 0. 755 (2010 est. ) 0. 7198 (2009 est. ) 0. 6827 (2008 est. ) 0. 7345 (2007 est. ) > Less stable| Australian dollars (AUD) per US dollar – 0. 9694 (2011 est. ) 1. 0902 (2010) 1. 2822 (2009) 1. 2059 (2008) 1. 137 (2007) > More stable ? | Presence of Competitors| Yes. There are strong competitors but not so many brewery companies ? | Yes. There are strong competitors and various microbreweries companies. Tense competit ion| In terms of Economic factors, Australia is more favorable because it is deemed better in five out seven sub-factors. From the comparison table, we know that Australia’s economy is more stable and more favorable for business as compared to Spain because it has a higher GDP Growth Rate and Projection, a lower Purchasing Power Parity and a higher Per Capita Income.Furthermore its Exchange Rate Stability is also more stable. 6. 2. 3 Social Cultural Factors Factor| Spain| Australia| Education level/ Literacy rate| 98. 5| 99. 98 ? | Language| Castilian Spanish (official) 74%, Catalan 17%, Galician 7%, and Basque 2%  | Majority: English 78. 5%, Chinese 2. 5%, Italian 1. 6%, Greek 1. 3%, Arabic 1. 2%, Vietnamese 1%, other 8. 2%, Unspecified 5. 7%  ? | Income Distribution| * 10% Rich (25. 2% of income) * 80% Middle Class (72% of income) * 10% (2. 8% of the income)| * 10% Rich (25. 4% of income) * 80% Between the two (72. % of the income) * 10% Poor (2% of the income. ?| Attit ude towards time| The Spaniards are typically a laid back group of people, with a relaxed sense of time| It is expected of an individual to be punctual in any occasion ? | Age Distribution| 0-14 years:  15. 1%15-64 years:  67. 7%65 years and over:  17. 1%| 0-14 years:  18. 3% 15-64 years:  67. 7%65 years and over:  14% ? | It is more feasible to expand into Australia because its Social Cultural factors are more promising. It has a higher Education level and Literacy rate, which means the citizens in Australia are more employable.In terms of Language, majority of Australians speak English thus dispelling any language barriers. Australia’s attitude towards time is also more advantageous for the business. 6. 2. 4 Technological-Infrastructure Factors Factor| Spain| Australia| Secure Internet Servers| 285| 2003? | Internet users (per 100 people)| 65. 8| 75. 9? | Presence of Legal framework for Intellectual Property| Copyright Law of SpainSpanish Patent and Trademark Of fice| Australian Property Law ? | Presence of e-Banking Infrastructure | Top 8 country, 46% utilization ? Top 10 country, 44% utilization| It is also more practical to expand into Australia because it is better in terms of the Technological-Infrastructure sub factors. In order for an international business to experience ease in communications between countries, its technological factors must be superlative. By analyzing the various sub-factors, we know that the Internet users (per 100) and Secure Internet Servers in Australia is much higher. 6. 2. 4 Geographical Factors 1 Factor| Spain| Australia| Natural hazards| Periodic droughts, occasional flooding and volcanism ? Cyclones along the coast; severe droughts; forest fires volcanism| Climate| Temperate; clear, hot summers in interior, more moderate and cloudy along coast; cloudy, cold winters in interior,  partly cloudy and cool along coast ? | Generally arid to semiarid (low precipitation); temperate in south and east; tropical i n north| % Unemployed in Labour Force| 20. 065%? | 5. 233% | Minimum Gross Annual Wage Rate (International Dollars)| $11,426. 00 ? | $20,027. 00| Land Area (sq. km)| 505,370| 7,741,220 ? | Terrain| Large, flat to dissected plateaus surrounded by rugged hills ? | Mostly low plateau with eserts, fertile plains in southeast| Upon comparing both countries’ Geographical Factors 1, Spain is more favorable. This is because it is less prone to natural hazards and its climate is more conducive for setting up a plant. They also have a large unemployment rate, which APBL can take advantage of if they chose to expand into Spain. 6. 2. 5 Geographical Factors 2 Factor| Spain| Australia| Length of road network| The road network comprises a total of 346,858 km| The road network comprises a total of 913,000 km ? | Number of Airports| 47 Airports | 448 Airports ? | Number of Seaports| 66 Seaports| 214 Seaports ? Preferential Tax Incentives for Foreign Investors| Deductions are readily availabl e for export activities, investment in the environment, R&D, extraordinary profits reinvestment, training, etc. ?| Subjective to the nature and size of the investment project, the relevant Australian State governments may give rebates from payroll, stamp and land taxes on an ad hoc basis and for limited periods. | By analyzing the Geographical factors 2, Australia is much better because it has a longer road network, more airports as well as seaports. This means that it is much more accessible if we expand into Australia. 6. Recommendation, reasons and type of entry mode to use for Australia. Recommendation We chose to enter the Australian market with either a company currently existing in Australia or a company that hasn’t expanded into any other countries, and have similar goals as Asia Pacific Brewery. We have chosen to go with Coopers Brewery Limited, the largest Australian-owned brewery or the largest home brewing equipment producer in the world. Reasons By venturing into Australia with Coopers Brewery Limited, the chances of reducing cost and risk would be higher as compared to attempting to enter the market alone or with external companies.This would be due to the fact that Coopers Brewery Limited has an established name and hence, this allows them to share their experiences with APB, reducing the trouble of setting up their own subsidiary, ultimately reducing the chances of consumer doubt. Therefore, smaller amount of investment is required to put APB’s business into operation. APB need not waste valuable time to set up its own subsidiary or look for ways to enter the Australian market, which it has low international experience or little cultural knowledge of. Knowledge wise, APB would have an advantage when going into joint venture with CoopersBrewery Limited because they possess information and first-hand experience about the local market demand and they know what â€Å"works† in order to satisfy their consumer’s standa rds and preferences. In terms of production capacity, APB would be able to increase its product and sales volume as there might be sharing of staff and production facilities between both brewery companies. They can also share the cost of marketing and advertising their brewery products. APB can now afford to sell its product at cheaper price, thus increasing its competitiveness in the brewery industry within short period of time.Type of Entry Mode to use We chose to enter the Australian market via Joint Venture with Coopers Brewery Limited. Coopers Brewery Limited was established in 1862, by Thomas Cooper at his home in the  Adelaide  suburb of  Norwood, South Australia. Being the utmost powerful beer company in South-Australia, Coopers Brewery Limited would have the largest amount of market shares hence we would be able to penetrate the markets and promote APB’s branding to Australia, as the consumer-producer’s trust is already established.APB can build good rel ations with its new retailers and customers since its joint venture partner already has a reputable brand image, thus this adds on to APB’s credibility without much effort required. Therefore, APB would be able to distribute its product more efficiently through the availability of existing market channels that Coopers Brewery Limited has. 6. 4 Reasons for not selecting Spain. By comparing both countries, and weighing the factors used for expansion, we have unanimously concluded that Spain is not as favorable as compared to Australia.In terms of Political-Legal factors, Spain’s country risk ranking is lower than Australia, which indicates political instability that is unfavorable when setting up a business. Furthermore, Spain’s ranking when it comes to ease of doing business is ranked 44 in the world, a significant inferiority compared to Australia which ranks 15. Economically wise, Spain’s GDP Growth rate is relatively smaller compared to Australiaâ€℠¢s. In terms of Per Capita Income, Spain’s is much lower compared to Australia, which might play a role as to unsatisfactory sales.Furthermore, by comparing 5-year statistics, the exchange rate stability also fluctuates more than Australia, therefore being less stable. By looking at the Social Cultural factors, Spain is less favorable than Australia because of its lower literacy rate and minor percentage of English speaking individuals, Moreover, the Age Distribution in Australia is better than Spain because despite the exact same percentage of people aged 15-64, the youth’s population in Australia is greater than Spain.This means that in the future, Spain’s percentage of 15-64 would be less compared to Australia. This age groups consists of the majority of working individuals, hence, a smaller figure would be deemed as having an adverse effect to the company. Technological Factors also indicates that Spain isn’t on par with Australia. International Busin esses rely heavily on technology for communication. If APBL wants to expand to a country, it would be an advantage if the country’s penetration rate were higher.By comparison from the table above, it is evident that the Internet Users (per 100) in Australia far exceeds Spain’s, which would mean that there are more computer literate individuals in Australia as compared to Spain, which would pave the way for more employment opportunities. Geographically speaking, Spain’s land area is comparatively smaller than Australia. In order to establish a major brewery, a vast land area is required and Australia has more land than Spain, which means that it would be more economical as land isn’t as scarce.The comparison also shows that Spain has lesser Airports, Seaports and a shorter length of road network, which reflects that the accessibility in Spain is inferior to Australia’s. CONCLUSION Our consultant team has found that Australia would be the more promis ing country for Asia Pacific Breweries’ expansion plans. This is conclusive of our results, which were based on a thorough assessment of thirty-six diverse sub-factors, which are instrumental in successful business expansions. Australia was found to be more favorable in twenty-six out of the thirty-six factors.Australia boasts a relatively slight political risk and has low corruption in the country, which provides a conducive and secure environment for Asia Pacific Breweries to conduct its operations in. Furthermore, agricultural produce in Australia is suitable for the brewing of quality beer, thus Asia Pacific Breweries does not need to source for additional raw materials, which would otherwise incur a huge cost. Australia also has a comprehensive web of transport infrastructure, which would greatly increase the efficiency of Asia Pacific Breweries operations, hence cutting costs.The quality of education in Australia is also of a high standard, producing a workforce that is highly literate. A highly educated work force will not only increase work productivity but also the overall competitiveness and capabilities of Asia Pacific Breweries in Australia. The Australian economy shows no sign of slowing down as GDP growth rates are projected to continue increasing through the years. Additionally, the per capita income in Australia is considerably high, which means that the average Australian is comparatively well to do.As beer is a lifestyle product, a strong, robust economy coupled with a high standard of living will be able to better complement and boost the sales of beer. After taking into considerations the abovementioned conclusions, the team here at G&T Consultancy would like to offer a recommendation for Asia Pacific Breweries to expand into the Australian market. APPENDIXES Appendix A: APB’s Shareholdings BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

ERA - The Equal Rights Amendment

ERA - The Equal Rights Amendment Free Online Research Papers The Equal Rights Amendment began its earliest discussions in 1920. These discussions took place immediately after two-thirds of the states approved women’s suffrage. The nineteenth century was intertwined with several feminist movements such as abortion, temperance, birth control and equality. Many lobbyists and political education groups formed in these times. One such organization is the Eagle Forum, who claims to lead the pro-family movement. On the opposite side of the coin is The National Organization for Women, or NOW, which takes action to better the position of women in society. Feminism is the most powerful force for change in our time. The Equal Rights Amendment has been a powerfully debated subject for decades. Having passed the Senate with a vote of 84-8, it failed to get the requisite thirty-eight states to ratify it. Many discussions and arguments arise over the continued push for the Equal Rights Amendment. The need for change must be a consensus and achieved both nationally and at the state level. The attempt to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment continues, but with few supports left, it appears to have lost its momentum. The supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment seem to feel sex discrimination laws are simply not enough. The federal laws and regulations contain many loopholes, are inconsistently interpreted and may be repealed outright (NOW 1). Many supporters claim the Equal Rights Amendment is needed â€Å"to clarify law for the lower courts, whose decisions still reflect confusion and inconsistency about how to deal with sex discrimination claims (Francis 2). There is a supporting theory argument that â€Å"an amendment of equality would absolutely shift the burden away from those fighting discrimination and place it where it belongs, on those that deserve it. They won’t have to justify why discrimination should be allowed, rather than women having to explain why we deserve equality† (Gaughen 13). Some supporters say that because women’s salaries still lag behind men, we need an Equal Rights Amendment more than ever (Hennessey 3). The real issue, claim some supporters, is the â€Å"right to bodily integrity, and without this basic right, women can have no true freedom† (NOW 2). Legal sex discrimination is not a thing of the past, and the progress of the last forty years is not irreversible without the protection of an amendment (Francis 1). Feminist claim that â€Å"The ERA’s most valuable effect would be the psychological victory it would provide women† (Steiner 35). Women are underpaid in the workforce, required to pay higher insurance premiums and are half as likely as men to get pensions (NOW 4). Supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment remind us of a traditional assumption, ‘Men hold rights and women must prove that they hold them† (Francis 2). Supporter claim amazement that, â€Å"Even in the twenty first century, the United States Constitution does not explicitly guarantee that all the rights it protects are held equally by all citizens† (Francis 4). Supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment believe that â€Å"unless we put into the Constitution the bedrock principle that equality of rights cannot be denied or abridged on account of sex, the political and judicial victories women have achieved with their blood, sweat and tears for the past two centuries are vulnerable† (Franc is 2). Opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment seem to feel women have everything they need. Women are still evolving from the age-old roots of childbearing, to the new necessities of selfhood, personhood, economically rewarding work and the new possibilities of choice, personal control and personal growth (Friedman 233). Opponents believe the Equal Rights Amendment would be hurtful to women, to men, to the family, to local government and to society as a whole (Schlafly 68). â€Å"Women are entering the workforce, running for political office and seeking jobs once closed to them in record numbers† which, supporter agree, make an Equal Rights Amendment unnecessary (Baldez 244). The Equal Rights Amendment will not give women more educational or employment opportunities, more pay, more promotions, employment rights or choices that they do not now have (Schlafly 118). The Equal Rights Amendment can do little more for women than they already have achieved by legislation and favorable judi cial rulings and to pursue the fight for an Equal rights Amendment in order to gain only marginal benefits involves heavy costs (Steiner 37). Many, on- the-fence opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment would gladly change their minds â€Å"if someone could to a specific slight or some issue where women have unequal rights, but changing the Constitution for the sake of making a statement is a waste of time† (Kellams 1). Opponents claim that women already enjoy every Constitutional right that men enjoy and have enjoyed equal employment opportunities since 1961 (Lopez 1). Women would not gain any new employment rights whatsoever because federal employment laws are already completely sex neutral (Schlafly 69). Decisions of the Supreme Court can now do everything an Equal Rights Amendment can do and more so, opponents argue, â€Å"It is difficult to see the need for the Equal Rights Amendments installment in the Constitution, when the United States Supreme Court has largely fulfilled the amendments chief objectives† (Baldez 245). Some women do not believe the Equal Rights Amendment is needed because women â€Å"d o not need special protecting† adding, â€Å"it is not necessary because women are now sitting in seats once occupied by men and do not believe they got there because they are women†(Hennessey 3). When address with inequality in education, politics, the law and at home, opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment argue that† women are entitled to the same rights as men, and the natural rights of civilized men and women are government, property, harmonious development of all their powers and the gratification of their desires† (Gaughen 21). Women are now judged by their abilities and the women’s liberation movement deliberately degrades the homemaker, hacks away at her self-esteem and self-worth, while stripping her of her pride and pleasure in being a female. The best cure for women is to stop listening to women libbers (Schlafly 68). Women’s rights have certainly come a long way. Maybe the most important thing that we learned over the decades is that everyone has choices. Women can freely choose to stay at home during one part of their life and are free to pursue other possibilities later, if she should so chose. Some wonder if we have a long way to go for equality, while some wonder if we have won the booby prize being treated like men. Women, as individuals, have to make decisions that are appropriate for them. Each woman’s situation, lifestyle, dreams, desires and values are different. The world and its opportunities belong, not to the militant women with her strident demands for a gender-free society, but to a positive woman who achieves a sound perspective on life, then fixes her own personal priorities (Schlafly 2). Francis, Roberta. â€Å"Why We Need The Equal Rights Amendment.† National Council of Women’s Organizations. Dec.2000. pp1-5 . Freidman, Betty. The Second Stage. New York: The Summit Books, 1981. Gaughen, Shasta. Introduction To Women’s Rights: Contemporary Issues Companion San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2003. Hennessey, Kathleen. ‘Nevada Lawmaker Raises Equal Rights Issue.† Las Vegas Sun 22 Nov. 2006: B3. lasvegassun.com/html. Kellams, Laura.†26 Years Later, Senate to Vote on ERA Issue: Effect on Resolution Unknown.† Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 27 March 2005:D1. . Lopez, Kathryn. â€Å"ERA: Equality for Whom?† Sacramento Bee 22 June 2001: D2.. Schlafly, Phyllis. The Power of the Positive Women. New York: Arlington House Press, 1977. Steiner, Gilbert. Constitutional Inequality. Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1985. â€Å"Who Needs An Equal Rights Amendment? You Do! National Organization for Women Jan.2006. now.org/issues/economics/html. Research Papers on The Equal Rights Amendment19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraQuebec and CanadaDeontological Teleological TheoriesInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Fifth HorsemanAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeHip-Hop is ArtBooker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-BarnettDefinition of Export QuotasThe Effects of Illegal Immigration

Monday, October 21, 2019

Volunteer Opportunities for Online High School Students

Volunteer Opportunities for Online High School Students Many online high schools require that students complete volunteer hours in order to be eligible for a high school diploma. But, finding a local volunteer opportunity can be difficult if your school does not have a counseling office. Fortunately, volunteer websites can help. If you need to find a volunteer opportunity in your area, try one of these sites. Common Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer Match – This growing database lists thousands of volunteer opportunities searchable by area code. Many listings specify whether or not a particular opportunity is suitable for teen volunteers. You can also search for virtual volunteer opportunities (such as writing web content or putting together newsletters) that can be done in your own home.Charity Guide – Use this site to find hundreds of flexible volunteerism projects that can be done at your own pace. Create a baby supply kit, plant a green roof, or host a bluebird house. You can find projects to rescue animals, help children, protect the environment, and promote safety. Some volunteer activities can be done in as few as fifteen minutes. (Full disclosure: I am also a writer for this non-profit website).The Red Cross – Almost everyone lives near a Red Cross center. Find a local Red Cross and ask what you can do to help. Volunteers prepare for disasters, staff offices, work in homeless shelters, and perform many other services that are valuable to the community. Does It Meet Your Requirements? Before deciding on any service project, check with your school to make sure the opportunity meets all requirements. Some online schools will allow you  to do individual volunteer projects on your own as long as a parent logs your volunteer hours. Other schools require that you work with a specific organization and send in a letter from a supervisor. If you choose a project that suits you, volunteering can be a rewarding experience. Not only will you finish your required hours, you will also get the sense of accomplishment that comes from knowing youve made a real difference in the world.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Strategies for Getting a Raise

7 Strategies for Getting a Raise No one ever wrote a song about performance review time, calling it the â€Å"most wonderful tiiiiime of the year.† Nobody loves it, except maybe the most devoted members of Human Resources. It’s extra work for you, your boss, and your company. However, it’s worth it- it not only lets you know how you’re doing, but it also might net you a bonus or raise. The time to start thinking about that raise is not 10 minutes before your self-evaluation is due. Planning ahead can bring great rewards.1. Set goals  early. REALLY early.If possible, you can even set these goals  before you have the job. If you spend a lot of time discussing the skill-building and growth you expect to see in your first year in the job, it helps your new employer set a baseline for your performance. Of course, realism is the key here. If you say you’re going to increase revenue by X% and you don’t meet that, you’ve just set yourself up for failure. Instead, set your self up for success†¦ and future profit.2. Know your goalposts throughout the year.If your boss expects you’ll hit certain milestones or complete particular projects, take extra care with those- they’ll be the concrete proof of your raise-worthy year. Make sure you keep a paper trail for big projects to help remind you later what you accomplished. If you get glowing reviews from a colleague or a client, save them! You can casually bust those out during a year-end discussion, and use them to how just how valuable you are to the team. If you’re collecting data and keeping track of things all year, you won’t have to make a rushed pitch at the end of the year and risk forgetting accomplishments or projects that would make an excellent case for a raise.3. Don’t limit yourself to just your responsibilities  If your company has committees, join one. If there are employee social events, volunteer to help set up or clean up. If you see a way to provi de excellent service, but it would be a minor inconvenience to you, try to do it anyway. Things like these show that you’re willing to get your hands dirty in support of the company. You’re a team player who does what needs to be done, and doesn’t just wait around to be told what to do. If you want to look valuable, be valuable. You’d be surprised at how â€Å"small† things add up by the end of the year.4. Don’t lie or bluff about your accomplishments.Your boss will know if you are over-inflating numbers or making it look like you have a skill you don’t quite have. Be positive about your accomplishments and your skills, and talk them up as much as possible- just don’t feel the need to embellish. You don’t want anyone to question your integrity.5. Treat your review like a re-interview.Instead of letting your boss (or whoever is reviewing you) run through a monologue of your year while you sit quietly and sign the forms at the end, try to make sure it’s a dialogue. If she mentions a particular project, make sure the background and context are clear and that the takeaway- your success- is clear.6.  Turn your mistakes into accomplishments.If you didn’t have a perfect year (and who does?) it doesn’t mean you’ll be disqualified from a raise or that you don’t deserve one. Again, this is a chance to play up your strengths. If something didn’t go well and it comes up in your review, make sure you put some spin on it. Talk about what you learned from the process and how you’ve grown/what you’ve done to fix the issue after the fact.7. Don’t plead poverty.A discussion about a raise is a discussion about your work performance. That’s it. You may very well need the money, but your employer is not obligated to give raises out of pity or because you’re a nice person. Make sure the focus stays on the reasons Professional You deserves mor e compensation. Once you make it personal, you also give more leverage to your employer. If they know you really, really need more money for Fluffington McWhiskers’ plastic surgery, they can try to lowball you because they know you’ll take less than you might be able to negotiate for yourself as part of a neutral, job-data-only presentation.If you start preparing well before you’re scheduled to meet for a review- or if you’ve picked a time during the rest of the year to make your case for a raise- you’re in a great position. If you’ve built a careful and clear case about why you deserve more, you have also created some built-in confidence. All you need to do is cross the finish line, hopefully a little richer than you were before.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT ASISGNMENT - Case Study Example The first task looks at both internal and external drivers of change and the second task focuses on the nature of change. The third task critically examines possible types of employee reaction to proposed change and the forth task deals with recommendations that can be implemented to execute the planned change. The conclusion sums up the main points discussed in the report. In this particular context of Blue Marina Restaurant, change is driven by both internal as well as external factors as going to be illustrated below. Schultz et al (2005) suggests that internal forces of change mainly concern the issues related to human resources in the organisation such as low productivity due to different factors. A close analysis of this case shows that there is lack of coordination between the waiting and kitchen staff and this is a major challenge with regards to maintenance of the desired levels of customer service. Customers are forced to wait for long hours to be served and in some cases they have to leave without being served their favourite dishes. In other words, employee productivity has significantly declined as a result of poor coordination among them which has stimulated change to be implemented in the operations of the company. On the other hand, profit margins have remained low and this can be attributed to external drivers for change. The poor performance of the organisation is mainly due to the economic crisis characterising the environment in which the company is operating in. The other external factor which has necessitated change is related to competition which has suddenly tightened as a result of new entrants into the market. These opened a pub and two new restaurants within the shopping mall and there is a growing cluster of similar businesses within the vicinity of Blue Marina. This entails that dissatisfied customers now have an alternative

Friday, October 18, 2019

Multicultural Research Project education Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multicultural Project education - Research Paper Example Many researchers explains that cultural diversity at workplaces is not very good for the faster growth as it tends to increase intercultural conflicts among the diverse personnel (Martin) . When culturally diverse individuals are put together to perform a given task, the difference in norms, perception of things culture, religion, opinions and other variables may hinder the development of unity. This problem does not just stop at there, difference in language brings a communication barrier. However, this difference in culture brings in a difference in how people see things. Different cultures have different ways of thinking and thus can analyze a matter at hand from different angles (Martin). This variation in experiences is beneficial to the organization as it provide a diverse base of knowledge to the organization. Secondly, as the business expands, the temptation to go across the border increases with availability of market. The diversity will help to overcome the language barrier. This gives the company an upper hand in capturing the available market (Martin). Going by these arguments, it is quite clear that the reasoning surrounds the overall effects on the organization performance resulting from the effect of diversity. It is for this reason that this research will try to investigate a fresh the demographic characteristics that contributes positively to the success of the organization and which ones are negative. I did a quick survey of five organizations with culturally diverse workforce and five others with relatively less diverse labor force. The organizations selected were from different countries but are in the same industry. Out of the five less diverse organizations, three admitted that they are experiencing problem in expansion to other countries because of their state and were considering diversity while one had already initiated the process of diversifying their labor force, the

BLOGS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

BLOGS - Essay Example Raci is faced by the challenge of having to take hormone shorts off the street, and at times this seem to affect her class attendances which seems to be worrying her professors. Another transgendered student is a Master candidate in Student administration at Michigan university who is faced by a challenge of having to one day make his family who considers her a female understand that she is a male. In episode five, he is faced by the challenge of getting romantically involved with another student (Simmons, 2005). Gabbie, a student pursuing Computer Science at the University of Colorado has to cope with the challenge of being the youngest candidate to undergo a gender reassignment surgery. Will he later be accepted by her family as being female and not male? It is evident in Episode five of the documentary, which not all of this transgendered and transsexual student have been accepted and loved in the single sex colleges that they opted to join. Just as in the YouTube video clip on lo ve and acceptance, single-sex colleges should handle such students with love and acceptance because they were created so by God. Therefore, to help them in their transition to being a male or a female, love and acceptance would suffice (TBCvideoATL, 2010). Lack of acceptance and love has made Lucas a Neurology Senior at the Smith College feels so alienated. The society, her family, and some of her college mates consider and see Lucas as a female, but she wants to liver her life as a male. Lucas is faced with a challenge of defending his thesis in Episode five of the Transgeneration documentary (Simmons, 2005). A transgendered or transsexual student would want to attend a single-sex college just as gay partners, or lesbians would want to attend the Tabernacle Baptist church – they want a place where they would feel loved and accepted. It is natural that attending a

Financial aspects of business an overiew Assignment

Financial aspects of business an overiew - Assignment Example For sale traders, the liability is unlimited and the personal assets can be used to repay the liabilities of the business. It is important for sole traders to maintain their accounts in order to have an idea about the performance of the business. It would enable the owner to have an idea about the present debt condition of the business. It would also enable in keeping a track on the total sales and purchases of the goods and services. It is essential to keep and maintain accounts because it helps in maintenance of transparency of the business transactions. It also reduces the existence of flaws in any decision making by the trader. Partnership business is conducting business activities together by two or more partners and earning and sharing the profit earned from the business operations. In case of partnership business, the company needs to maintain its book of accounts in order to have a clear and transparent disclosure of all the business activities to all the business partners. I t would also enable assessment of profitability of the company followed by its division among all the business partners. It is very important to keep a track on all the financial transactions of the partnership business in order to maintain its stability. ... There are a large number of complex financial transactions taking place every day. It is very essential to keep a track on each and every transaction taking place (Glynn ?and Murphy 22). Thus, the significance of maintaining accounts by a company is very high. It would display the exact financial position of the company in the market and disclose the profit or loss incurred by it. It would also help in keeping a track on the total assets and liabilities of the company. Question 2 a.1) Trading Account Trading Account Debit Credit Particulars Amount (in ?) Particulars Amount (in ?) To opening stock 2000 By Sales 95414 To Purchases 57580 By Closing Stock 2745 To Wages 11438       To Gross Profit 27141       Total 98159 Total 98159 a.2) Profit and Loss Account Profit and Loss Account Debit Credit Particulars Amount (in ?) Particulars Amount (in ?) To rent 2650 By Gross Profit 27141 To heat and light 3698       To sundry expenses 950       To Net Profit 19843       Tot al 27141 Total 27141 b) Balance Sheet as on 31st December 2012 Balance Sheet Liabilities Amount (in ?) Assets Amount (in ?) Capital 24770 Fixed Assets    (+)Net Profit 19843 Premises 35000 (-)Drawings 2000 Oven and Equipment 9560    42613 Delivery Van 9580 Long term Debt 20440    54140 Current Liabilities    Current assets    Creditors 2000 Debtors 3098       Bank 620       Cash 4450       Closing Stock 2745          10913 Total 65053 Total 65053 c) Importance of double entry book keeping Double entry book keeping suggests that there should be double entry for each and every transaction into the books of accounts (Miner 21). This method of book keeping helps in dealing in a special way with the opening as well as closing balances at

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Institutional Realities Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Institutional Realities - Research Paper Example Specific Problem in the Acute Long Term Organization. This will look at research and theories that look at the acute long term organization. This will form a basis of the problems which need to be solved with the current strategic project. Specific Problems Defined. This section describes the specific problem in RHC as well as how this relates to various aspects that need to change within the organization. Strategic Planning Issue. This will look at the one issue that will be examined in terms of RHC and how this will be formulated for continuous planning and change within the organization. Theory of Constraint. Looks at the main problem associated with RHC in terms of the theory of constraint. Process Analysis Theory. This is the second theory which applies to the problems of RHC. Application of Strategic Planning. Looks at the mission, vision, plan and implementation of the strategy while defining ways to approach the main issues. Strategy of Continuous Organizational Improvement. Examines the ways to continuously approve with the implementation of the new strategy and expectations. References. List of resources used for this project. Annotated Bibliography Bryson, John. (2004). Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations UK: John Wiley and Sons. This book describes the strategic change cycle as well as how this is incorporated into non –profits and care systems. Not following this cycle is the main problem of the health care system, specifically because there is the need to respond to trends and to look at the situations that are a part of the culture and the community. Carr, Deborah, Dmitry Khodyakov. (2007). â€Å"End – of – Life Health Care Planning Among Young Old Adults: An Assessment of Psychosocial Influences.† Journals of Gerontology 62 (2). This article is used to examine the different approaches which are looked at in the long term acute care system. It can be seen that psychosocial influences create a spec ific impression about the care which is offered and creates gaps with the market and the desire to be a part of the main care system. This is one of the concepts which RHC needs to look at with the re-engineering of their program, specifically to change the quality care offered. Coleman, EA, C Parry, S Chalmers. (2006). â€Å"The Care Transitions Intervention.† Archives of Internal Care 57 (1). This article is used to describe the way in which care systems need to look at staff and employment training. It shows that a main gap that is associated with the care system is based on the misunderstandings that are a part of the care transition that occurs. Employees are expected to begin understanding the need to intervene and change the approach which is taken toward the long term care. Eskildesen, Manuel. (2007). â€Å"Long – Term Acute Care: A Review of the Literature.† Journal of American Geriatrics Society 55 (5). The article that is reviewed looks at the general issues of long – term acute care and how many are influenced by the specific needs that are in the facilities. Looking at the review of literature helps to define the issues ranging from cost control to the associations that are a part of the acute care. Ford, JD, AD Amelio. (2008). â€Å"Resistance to Change: The Rest of the Story.† Journal of Management 72 (3). This article is used to explain the difficulties with change and change management. The article will be used to

The development of technology is determinative; its expansion occurs Research Paper

The development of technology is determinative; its expansion occurs beyond the ability of human freedom to curtail it - Research Paper Example Technology has shaped the business, education, medicine, research and even social landscape. Unfortunately, the society has little control over technology and they have to conform to its changes. On this note, it is clear that development of technology is determinative and its expansion occurs beyond the human freedom to curtail it. In the contemporary world, it is clear that there has been rapid change in technology altering all social relations globally. The evolution of technology underpins the shift towards an information society, which is the relevant social structure today. Technology has changed in the social, medicine, agricultural, political, and business sector. The great focus on scientific research has led to the emergence of new technologies that are beyond human control. The internet and computer technology have completely change the business environment, while the environmental technology has changed the farming and treatment procedures. The development of sophisticated weapons such as nuclear bombs has changed the way people relate to each other. Oliver (2011) has raised the question whether it is the technology that conforms to the social structures or its converse. In his argument, this scholar puts it clearly that the society is too sluggish to put up with the technological changes that are h appening each day. On this note, it is the society that is tasked with conforming to the emerging issues that come along with this super-fast technological change. As such, the social construction depends on the changes that result from technology and not the reverse. On this note, it is the determinative nature of technology that requires that the people change and conform to the changes in technology. The agenda of technological determinism evolved right from the time of early philosophers such as Karl Marx. Karl Marx

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Institutional Realities Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Institutional Realities - Research Paper Example Specific Problem in the Acute Long Term Organization. This will look at research and theories that look at the acute long term organization. This will form a basis of the problems which need to be solved with the current strategic project. Specific Problems Defined. This section describes the specific problem in RHC as well as how this relates to various aspects that need to change within the organization. Strategic Planning Issue. This will look at the one issue that will be examined in terms of RHC and how this will be formulated for continuous planning and change within the organization. Theory of Constraint. Looks at the main problem associated with RHC in terms of the theory of constraint. Process Analysis Theory. This is the second theory which applies to the problems of RHC. Application of Strategic Planning. Looks at the mission, vision, plan and implementation of the strategy while defining ways to approach the main issues. Strategy of Continuous Organizational Improvement. Examines the ways to continuously approve with the implementation of the new strategy and expectations. References. List of resources used for this project. Annotated Bibliography Bryson, John. (2004). Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations UK: John Wiley and Sons. This book describes the strategic change cycle as well as how this is incorporated into non –profits and care systems. Not following this cycle is the main problem of the health care system, specifically because there is the need to respond to trends and to look at the situations that are a part of the culture and the community. Carr, Deborah, Dmitry Khodyakov. (2007). â€Å"End – of – Life Health Care Planning Among Young Old Adults: An Assessment of Psychosocial Influences.† Journals of Gerontology 62 (2). This article is used to examine the different approaches which are looked at in the long term acute care system. It can be seen that psychosocial influences create a spec ific impression about the care which is offered and creates gaps with the market and the desire to be a part of the main care system. This is one of the concepts which RHC needs to look at with the re-engineering of their program, specifically to change the quality care offered. Coleman, EA, C Parry, S Chalmers. (2006). â€Å"The Care Transitions Intervention.† Archives of Internal Care 57 (1). This article is used to describe the way in which care systems need to look at staff and employment training. It shows that a main gap that is associated with the care system is based on the misunderstandings that are a part of the care transition that occurs. Employees are expected to begin understanding the need to intervene and change the approach which is taken toward the long term care. Eskildesen, Manuel. (2007). â€Å"Long – Term Acute Care: A Review of the Literature.† Journal of American Geriatrics Society 55 (5). The article that is reviewed looks at the general issues of long – term acute care and how many are influenced by the specific needs that are in the facilities. Looking at the review of literature helps to define the issues ranging from cost control to the associations that are a part of the acute care. Ford, JD, AD Amelio. (2008). â€Å"Resistance to Change: The Rest of the Story.† Journal of Management 72 (3). This article is used to explain the difficulties with change and change management. The article will be used to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

History of Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History of Terrorism - Essay Example evailed over all of France in three major stages beginning with the election of Count Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes who represented the commoners whose grievances had been violently conveyed firsthand at the â€Å"Fall of the Bastille† (Zaide, 235). The rise of the radicals constituted the second stage of the Revolution until the ultimate act of terrorism which unveiled upon the guillotine execution of Louis XVI in December 1792 along with some 20,000 nobles, politicians, and other critical aristocratic figures. By the late 19th century, technological advancements in weaponry encouraged the formation of the anarchists in small groups following the chief advocacy of the â€Å"propaganda of the deed† which made possible the assassination of French leaders (238). During the latter part of the 18th century, when the â€Å"Reign of Terror† prevailed, the French Republic decreed even for the rest of European nations to overthrow their despotic rulers and no law enforcements were available to combat or at least to regulate such proclamation and its corresponding actions. At the time, all the necessary legal duties were shifted to the control of the revolutionary government that sought total reform against monarchy so there had not been any legal defense that came to the aid of the ill-fated monarchs. It was not until the 19th century that an extensive campaign against terrorism flourished and this included the creation of RAID by the French Police Nationale with the principal objective of suppressing destructive crimes and terrorist activities (Early History of Terrorism). According to Kristin Archick’s CRS Report for Congress: â€Å"Among other steps, the EU (European Union) has established a common definition of terrorism and a list of terrorist groups, an EU arrest warrant, enhanced tools to investigate terrorist financing, and new measures to strengthen external EU border controls (Archick, 2006).† Italy, likewise, was struck by terrorism but not too long ago through the