Tuesday, October 15, 2019

History of Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History of Terrorism - Essay Example evailed over all of France in three major stages beginning with the election of Count Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes who represented the commoners whose grievances had been violently conveyed firsthand at the â€Å"Fall of the Bastille† (Zaide, 235). The rise of the radicals constituted the second stage of the Revolution until the ultimate act of terrorism which unveiled upon the guillotine execution of Louis XVI in December 1792 along with some 20,000 nobles, politicians, and other critical aristocratic figures. By the late 19th century, technological advancements in weaponry encouraged the formation of the anarchists in small groups following the chief advocacy of the â€Å"propaganda of the deed† which made possible the assassination of French leaders (238). During the latter part of the 18th century, when the â€Å"Reign of Terror† prevailed, the French Republic decreed even for the rest of European nations to overthrow their despotic rulers and no law enforcements were available to combat or at least to regulate such proclamation and its corresponding actions. At the time, all the necessary legal duties were shifted to the control of the revolutionary government that sought total reform against monarchy so there had not been any legal defense that came to the aid of the ill-fated monarchs. It was not until the 19th century that an extensive campaign against terrorism flourished and this included the creation of RAID by the French Police Nationale with the principal objective of suppressing destructive crimes and terrorist activities (Early History of Terrorism). According to Kristin Archick’s CRS Report for Congress: â€Å"Among other steps, the EU (European Union) has established a common definition of terrorism and a list of terrorist groups, an EU arrest warrant, enhanced tools to investigate terrorist financing, and new measures to strengthen external EU border controls (Archick, 2006).† Italy, likewise, was struck by terrorism but not too long ago through the

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