Saturday, October 19, 2019


ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT ASISGNMENT - Case Study Example The first task looks at both internal and external drivers of change and the second task focuses on the nature of change. The third task critically examines possible types of employee reaction to proposed change and the forth task deals with recommendations that can be implemented to execute the planned change. The conclusion sums up the main points discussed in the report. In this particular context of Blue Marina Restaurant, change is driven by both internal as well as external factors as going to be illustrated below. Schultz et al (2005) suggests that internal forces of change mainly concern the issues related to human resources in the organisation such as low productivity due to different factors. A close analysis of this case shows that there is lack of coordination between the waiting and kitchen staff and this is a major challenge with regards to maintenance of the desired levels of customer service. Customers are forced to wait for long hours to be served and in some cases they have to leave without being served their favourite dishes. In other words, employee productivity has significantly declined as a result of poor coordination among them which has stimulated change to be implemented in the operations of the company. On the other hand, profit margins have remained low and this can be attributed to external drivers for change. The poor performance of the organisation is mainly due to the economic crisis characterising the environment in which the company is operating in. The other external factor which has necessitated change is related to competition which has suddenly tightened as a result of new entrants into the market. These opened a pub and two new restaurants within the shopping mall and there is a growing cluster of similar businesses within the vicinity of Blue Marina. This entails that dissatisfied customers now have an alternative

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